You can place an order through our website. Please don't forget to provide your contact information (Telegram/Instagram/e-mail, etc). Our manager will contact you to confirm delivery and payment details
We have unwavering confidence in the quality of our products and highly value our reputation. All our products come with a warranty. We source our materials from licensed strains provided by Ice Genetics and other reputable market leaders.
In the event of any of the following circumstances:
We kindly request that you contact us through our feedback form or via our Telegram bot (link) while providing supporting photos and videos. We will meticulously review your case, ascertain its eligibility for a warranty claim, and make every effort to resolve the issue satisfactorily.
For inquiries pertaining to seeds, we kindly request that you furnish us with additional information, including:
Please note that our company cannot be held responsible for seeds purchased more than 3 months ago. This limitation is due to the fact that storage conditions may influence the viability of the seed material. We encourage you to reach out to us with any cultivation questions or concerns; we are readily available to provide guidance and assistance.
By visiting the website, you affirm that you are at least 21 years of age. Our courier may request a valid identification document, and in the event of a refusal to provide such identification, the order will be returned, and funds will be blocked.
You will be redirected to pay your invoice. After payment, close this message.